Antigua & Barbuda accepts the SES Agreement

Antigua & Barbuda accepts the SES Agreement

13 March 2023

The Director General of IMSO, Captain Moin Ahmed, is pleased to announce that Antigua & Barbuda have become Party to the International Agreement on the use of Inmarsat Ship Earth Stations within the territorial sea and ports (SES Agreement). The document issued by the Honourable Gaston A. Browne, Prime Minister and Minister with Responsibility for Merchant Shipping and Ship Registration was presented to the Director General by His Excellency the Ambassador Mr Dwight C.R. Gardiner, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) with responsibility for IMSO, on 13 March 2023 at the IMSO Headquarters.

The purpose of the SES Agreement is that “Parties shall permit in their territorial seas and ports the operation of approved ship earth stations appertaining to the maritime space communication system provided by the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) (now provided by the company “Inmarsat”) and properly installed aboard ships flying the flag of any other Party”.  The agreement opened for signature at London on 16 October 1985 and entered into force on 12 September 1993. There are a total of 50 Parties who have accepted the SES Agreements.

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