GMDSS Training
Inmarsat and Iridium offer comprehensive training material in relation to their safety services which can be accessed from their websites. Both Inmarsat Safety Training Hub and Iridium GMDSS Academy can be accessed free of charge and are updated regularly.
IMSO recommends seafarers, rescue coordination centre (RCC) operators, maritime safety information (MSI) providers and other stakeholders to visit these training portals to stay updated with the recognised mobile satellite services.
Inmarsat Safety Training Hub
Inmarsat Safety Training portal contains information regarding the Inmarsat safety services, and the connectivity solutions to shore-side services used by Rescue Coordination Centres and Search & Rescue teams across the globe.
Inmarsat Safety Training Hub can be accessed free of charge. No registration is required to access the Inmarsat Safety Training Hub.
The portal content includes:
1. GMDSS made easy: Inmarsat GMDSS services, process and how a Distress Alert works and the related regulatory requirements.
2. Vessel safety services: Interactive training on the use of Fleet Safety, Inmarsat C and Fleetbroadband services.
3. Shore side services: Introduction and use of RescueNET, SafetyNET, SafetyNET II system and services and detailed guidance on the application programming interfaces (API) for SAR and MSI provided by Inmarsat.

Iridium GMDSS Academy
The curriculum of the Iridium GMDSS Academy delivers an overview of the Iridium Global Maritime Distress & Safety System (GMDSS) and Iridium Certus® services.
The Iridium GMDSS Academy curriculum is available free of charge. A registration is required to download the training content.
The curriculum includes:
1. The Iridium Network: introduction to Iridium, differences between Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and Iridium Certus.
2. Iridium GMDSS: key features of Iridium GMDSS, review of SOLAS GMDSS regulations and features of Lars Thrane LT-3100S terminal.
3. Maritime Security Services on Iridium: Long Range Identification & Tracking (LRIT), Ship Security Alert System (SSAS), and next-gen anti-piracy solutions.