IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from Singapore

IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from Singapore

19 January 2023

The Director General of IMSO Captain Moin Ahmed welcomed Mr. David Foo, Assistant Chief Executive (Ops Tech), Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, Mr. Gavin Yeo, Deputy Director (Sectoral System Development) Maritime Port Authority IT Division Singapore, Mr. Tan Hanqiang, First Secretary (Maritime) and Mr. Darrick Leow First Secretary High Commission of the Republic of Singapore.

IMSO Technical Officer Mr. Pier Taranti gave a presentation to the delegation on the Organization’s role as an oversight body of satellite communications systems used for safety and security, and as the Coordinator for the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) system. As Singapore has not yet acceded the 2008 Amendments to the IMSO Convention, the visit particularly revolved around the Organization’s mandate, how the work of the Organization benefits countries globally, and how Singapore’s interests can be protected by having their voice heard on these issues in the IMSO context.

During the meeting, discussion also took place on, the Amending Agreement to the IMSO Protocol on Privileges and Immunities and LRIT implementation by Singapore.

After the presentation, the Director General made special mention to the importance of LRIT implementation by Singapore as a State Party to SOLAS Convention presenting topics Singapore considered.

The Director General hopes that Singapore will accept the 2008 Amendments to the IMSO Convention. Moreover, the Director General looks forward to the opportunity to extend the cooperation between Singapore and the Organization with both parties reiterating their commitment to develop this relationship and working towards more collaboration in the days to come.

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