All News

IMSO participated in the Satellite Maritime & Aeronautical Safety & Security Seminar

25 March 2025|

IMSO participated in the Iridium Partners Conference

19 March 2025|

IMSO at the Arctic Emergency Management Conference

19 March 2025|

IMSO attends of the 44th Assembly of Parties of EUTELSAT IGO

4 March 2025|

IMSO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

3 March 2025|

IMSO attends IALA 1st Assembly – A Historic Milestone for Maritime Safety

18 February 2025|

IMSO Director General Laurent Parenté visits the High Commission for The Commonwealth of Dominica

11 February 2025|

29th session of the IMSO Assembly

10 December 2024|

EUTELSAT IGO, IMSO and ITSO Tripartite Meeting

25 November 2024|

The Republic of Cyprus accepts the 2008 amendments to the IMSO Convention

20 November 2024|

Islamic Republic of Iran visits

18 November 2024|

IMSO Director General participates in APSCO Symposium 2024 in Sharjah, UAE

5 November 2024|

IMSO Director General participates in the ITSO 41 Assembly

9 October 2024|

Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates visit

4 October 2024|

IMSO celebrates World Maritime Day!

26 September 2024|

IMSO Participates in the 2nd Meeting of WMO’s Advisory Group on Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service Subcommittee

19 September 2024|

IMSO participated in the 16th World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) Sub-Committee meeting

9 September 2024|

Inauguration of the new IMSO Headquarters

4 September 2024|

IMSO Director General, Mr. Laurent Parenté participated in the 42nd session of the World Maritime University’s Board of Governors

2 September 2024|

50th session of the IMSO Advisory Committee

18 July 2024|

The International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) proudly celebrates today the 45th anniversary of the IMSO Convention coming into force

16 July 2024|

Iridium Contingency Exercise

25 June 2024|

Inmarsat Contingency Exercise in Burum, the Netherlands

18 June 2024|

IMSO attends IMO’s Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR)

10 June 2024|

IMSO Celebrates International Day for Women in Maritime 2024

17 May 2024|

IMSO Director General Strengthens Maritime Cooperation by Attending the IMO Regional Meeting in Barbados

3 May 2024|

IMSO Director General addresses safety at sea in a lecture at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute’s 35th Anniversary Event in Malta

18 April 2024|

Today marks the 25th anniversary of a pivotal moment in maritime history

15 April 2024|

IMSO joins ceremony to open new GMDSS ships bridge simulator at Warsash Maritime School

28 March 2024|

Inmarsat Contingency Exercise and Public Services Committee meeting

27 March 2024|

Iridium Contingency Exercise and Public Services Committee meeting

21 March 2024|

Over 600 maritime Search and Rescue Operators from 88 countries learn how to make better use of the LRIT system to save lives at sea

27 February 2024|

Visit to Telespazio Fucino Teleport

19 February 2024|

LRIT training for Search and Rescue Operators – 27 February 2024

9 February 2024|

49th session of the IMSO Advisory Committee

17 November 2023|

IMSO Director General meets with the Minister of Transport and Logistic Services of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2 November 2023|

Fourteenth EUTELSAT IGO, IMSO and ITSO Tripartite Meeting

19 October 2023|

IMSO Director General at the “Maritime Cyprus 2023” Conference, Cyprus

9 October 2023|

IMSO Technical Officer attends the Comité International Radio-Maritime (CIRM) Annual Conference, Türkiye

5 October 2023|

IMSO Director General at the London International Shipping Week event

12 September 2023|

IMSO Director General in Saudi Arabia

6 September 2023|

IMSO Technical Officer attends WWNWS15, Monaco

5 September 2023|

The Maldives become 109th IMSO Member State

20 July 2023|

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visits

19 July 2023|

Republic of Vanuatu visits

19 July 2023|

Republic of Kiribati visits

29 June 2023|

Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation visits

29 June 2023|

Inmarsat Contingency Exercise

27 June 2023|

Republic of Vanuatu visits

26 June 2023|

Iridium Contingency Exercise

22 June 2023|

Comité International Radio-Maritime visits

6 June 2023|

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visits

26 April 2023|

IMSO welcomes its new Director General

15 April 2023|

Antigua & Barbuda accepts the SES Agreement

13 March 2023|

IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from the Republic of Mozambique

22 February 2023|

IMSO Director General celebrates the launch of Inmarsat’s I-6 F2 satellite from Cape Canaveral, Florida

20 February 2023|

IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from the Arab Republic of Egypt

8 February 2023|

IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from Singapore

19 January 2023|

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