All News
IMSO participated in the Satellite Maritime & Aeronautical Safety & Security Seminar
IMSO participated in the Iridium Partners Conference
IMSO at the Arctic Emergency Management Conference
Cuba visits
IMSO attends of the 44th Assembly of Parties of EUTELSAT IGO
IMSO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
IMSO attends IALA 1st Assembly – A Historic Milestone for Maritime Safety
IMSO Director General Laurent Parenté visits the High Commission for The Commonwealth of Dominica
Guatemala visits
Iridium visits
29th session of the IMSO Assembly
San Marino visits
EUTELSAT IGO, IMSO and ITSO Tripartite Meeting
The Republic of Cyprus accepts the 2008 amendments to the IMSO Convention
Malaysia visits
Panama visits
Islamic Republic of Iran visits
IMSO Director General participates in APSCO Symposium 2024 in Sharjah, UAE
IMSO Director General participates in the ITSO 41 Assembly
Türkiye and the United Arab Emirates visit
Fiji visits
IMSO celebrates World Maritime Day!
IMSO Participates in the 2nd Meeting of WMO’s Advisory Group on Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service Subcommittee
IMSO participated in the 16th World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) Sub-Committee meeting
Inauguration of the new IMSO Headquarters
IMSO Director General, Mr. Laurent Parenté participated in the 42nd session of the World Maritime University’s Board of Governors
Sri Lanka visits
IMSO Headquarters moved
50th session of the IMSO Advisory Committee
The International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) proudly celebrates today the 45th anniversary of the IMSO Convention coming into force
Iridium Contingency Exercise
Inmarsat Contingency Exercise in Burum, the Netherlands
IMSO attends IMO’s Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR)
IMSO Celebrates International Day for Women in Maritime 2024
IMSO Director General Strengthens Maritime Cooperation by Attending the IMO Regional Meeting in Barbados
IMSO Director General addresses safety at sea in a lecture at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute’s 35th Anniversary Event in Malta
Today marks the 25th anniversary of a pivotal moment in maritime history
IMSO joins ceremony to open new GMDSS ships bridge simulator at Warsash Maritime School
Inmarsat Contingency Exercise and Public Services Committee meeting
Iridium Contingency Exercise and Public Services Committee meeting
Over 600 maritime Search and Rescue Operators from 88 countries learn how to make better use of the LRIT system to save lives at sea
Visit to Telespazio Fucino Teleport
Togo visits
LRIT training for Search and Rescue Operators – 27 February 2024
49th session of the IMSO Advisory Committee
IMSO Director General meets with the Minister of Transport and Logistic Services of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fourteenth EUTELSAT IGO, IMSO and ITSO Tripartite Meeting
IMSO Director General at the “Maritime Cyprus 2023” Conference, Cyprus
IMSO Technical Officer attends the Comité International Radio-Maritime (CIRM) Annual Conference, Türkiye
France visits
IMSO Director General at the London International Shipping Week event
IMSO Director General in Saudi Arabia
IMSO Technical Officer attends WWNWS15, Monaco
The Bahamas visits
Türkiye visits
The Maldives become 109th IMSO Member State
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visits
Republic of Vanuatu visits
Pakistan visits
Republic of Kiribati visits
Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation visits
Tuvalu visits
Samoa visits
Inmarsat Contingency Exercise
Republic of Vanuatu visits
Iridium Contingency Exercise
El Salvador visits
Viasat and Inmarsat visit
Comité International Radio-Maritime visits
Brazil visits
Visit by Iridium
Visit by Inmarsat
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visits
IMSO welcomes its new Director General
Antigua & Barbuda accepts the SES Agreement
IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from the Republic of Mozambique
IMSO Director General celebrates the launch of Inmarsat’s I-6 F2 satellite from Cape Canaveral, Florida
IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from the Arab Republic of Egypt
IMSO Welcomes the Distinguished Delegation from Singapore